Flower bouquets from Rosegal


Welcome back! Today I want to talk about two very beautiful products I got from Rosegal. As you probably already know, I love flowers and I need them many times for pictures. This is the reason why I added two beautiful roses bouquets to my orders. I have to admit that it is not very bad that they are not real and they are made of very durable material.

Simulation Rose Soap Flowers Bouquet Festival Gift

Fotografia postată de Fashion Words - by Ionela.

Charming 1 Bouquet 18 Head Home Wedding Decoration Artificial Rose



The first bouquet is very elegant and refined, it is best suited to be a gift to the loved one. The roses are worked very carefully and are easy to follow as real ones. In addition, they arrive in the most beautiful packaging. We are talking about a waxed newspaper, accompanied by a spectacular bow. The bouquet reminds us of old times, when they still offered flower bouquets.

Besides the splendor of the bouquet we have to add the spectacular of the box. She actually gets in touch from the beginning and comes along with a nice message. I like it very much and I would be enormously happy to receive such a gift from the boy I love. When I ordered this package there were several color variations, so check often to choose carefully.

The second bouquet is much bigger, it’s perfect for the wedding. He actually looks spectacular and immediately succeeds in attracting the attention of others. I opted for the combination of dark purple roses and white roses and I do not regret the choice. Even if they are not made of the same material.

You can see in the video above how the bouquet looks and how well the flowers are made. As you probably realize, it’s just perfect for brides. Why am I saying this? Simply because you now have the opportunity to keep your wedding bouquet all the life.

What do you think about these bouquets?

More pictures:

Fotografia postată de Fashion Words - by Ionela.

Fotografia postată de Fashion Words - by Ionela.

Fotografia postată de Fashion Words - by Ionela.

Fotografia postată de Fashion Words - by Ionela.

Fotografia postată de Fashion Words - by Ionela.

Fotografia postată de Fashion Words - by Ionela.

Fotografia postată de Fashion Words - by Ionela.

Fotografia postată de Fashion Words - by Ionela.

Fotografia postată de Fashion Words - by Ionela.

Fotografia postată de Fashion Words - by Ionela.

Fotografia postată de Fashion Words - by Ionela.

Fotografia postată de Fashion Words - by Ionela.

Fotografia postată de Fashion Words - by Ionela.

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