I changed my look with a product from Rose Wholesale!

Sorry I have not posted much goods received, but last week I had problems with a terrible cold. Those who live in Romania definitely know that it snowed, well cold and snow have managed to put me in bed for several days. Today I returned and I decided to enjoy some warmer weather outside to take pictures.16009896_1230718083684690_974368777_o

It’s been a long time since he got the package from Rose Wholesale and when present my first photos with blue hair. I did not expect to receive a great number of messages and comments. I know that many of you have asked me what I  paint my hair blue, well today is the perfect time to tell the whole truth.
I found  at Rose Wholesale this product:

Charming Long Glossy Straight Side Bang Harajuku Anime Synthetic Cosplay Wig 16010165_1230719660351199_978012120_o

and I thought that nothing is more perfect than some sexy pictures with a different hair color. I knew from the beginning that the wig is not made from natural hair and to be honest I expected the differences to be very visible. However your messages on social networks I have made I realize that is a spectacular product.


I really like the looks of this wig. It comes in a hermetically sealed plastic bag and placed in a mesh so special. In this way she reaches across the country. Its price is very low especially like to mention a very long wig. It goes easily unnoticed if you decide to choose a black or a color as close to your hair color.  15992005_1230718163684682_1783880818_o

I think a lot of time if I would sit well with bangs, I mean one that I look pretty cute. Wig comb is quite easy and very resistant. I managed to misplacing least the first time wearing a wig. Above it sits on the head is very unlikely that you fall she runs. 16106096_1230719550351210_625082592_o

Below you will attach more photos wig. If you want one made a sign on the link above, the range of colors is huge! Soon back with presenting a superb all jewelry purchased on rosewholesale.com.

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